Read the ALLIANCE's response to Healthcare Improvement Scotland's Ageing and Frailty Standards consultation.

The Health and Social Care Alliance Scotland (the ALLIANCE) welcomes the opportunity to respond to Healthcare Improvement Scotland’s consultation on the Ageing and Frailty Draft Standards for the Care of Older People.

Our society is ageing, and policymakers should embrace this demographic shift. Currently in Scotland, over 1 million people are aged 65 or over. By 2030, 1 in 5 people in Scotland will be over 65. With such an increase, there is a need to plan for, mitigate and prevent the negative effects of ageing.

An ageing population will require collaboration and joined up thinking to deliver the Ageing and Frailty Standards. Older people living with frailty should be empowered to coproduce the support and services they need and use at every point of planning, service design and delivery.

The ALLIANCE broadly supports the proposed draft standards. However, we believe that there should be changes to the existing draft Standards and additional standards included. We recommend that Standards on the following topics should be added:

  • Unpaid Carers
  • Waiting Well
  • Health Inequalities
  • Caring Places and Age Friendly Environments
  • Inclusive Communication
  • Robust data gathering, monitoring and evaluation
  • Data sharing

If the standards, with our suggested changes, are implemented and delivered fully they will achieve change for older people living with frailty.

You can read our full response via the links below.

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