The ALLIANCE manifesto calls for forward-thinking, far-reaching action in health and social care.

The ALLIANCE are delighted today (February 23) to publish our manifesto for the 2021 Scottish Parliament Election – Our manifesto focuses on six key themes:

  • Recovery & Renewal – Learn from everyone’s experiences and guarantee no one is left behind.
  • People at the Centre – Ensure everyone gets the right support, in the right place, at the right time.
  • Social Care – Reform social care as an investment in people, society and the economy.
  • Human Rights – Firmly root Scottish law and people’s experiences in human rights.
  • Social Security – Deliver a progressive and ambitious model of social security.
  • Climate Change – Put people, health and social care at the centre of climate change action.

The next Scottish Parliament and Government will be immediately faced with the challenges of building our society and economy back following the COVID-19 pandemic. They will also be tasked with acting on the Independent Review of Adult Social Care, to deliver long-overdue, transformational change to our social care system.

At our launch event as part of our week-long “People at the Centre: ALLIANCE Digital Gathering 2021” programme, we were very grateful to have a panel take part in a superb discussion around the key themes. Ably chaired by John Macgill from (this link will take you away from our website), our panellists were:

  • Lucy Mulvagh (Director of Policy and Communications at the ALLIANCE)
  • Jackie Baillie MSP (Scottish Labour)
  • Jeremy Balfour MSP (Scottish Conservatives)
  • Catriona Bhatia (Scottish Liberal Democrats)
  • Neil Gray MP (SNP)
  • Alison Johnstone MSP (Scottish Greens)

There was broad consensus amongst panellists for many of the calls in our manifesto, including incorporation of the UN Convention on the Rights of Disabled People into Scots Law, parity of esteem and a fair work focus for social care workers, reform of social care and recognition of it as an investment in people and society, and embedding action on climate change into the health and social care sector. You can read the highlights from the event in our livetweet thread on Twitter. (this link will take you away from our website)

The ALLIANCE manifesto was developed with the input of our members, to reflect the voice of lived experience in our calls.

Download the ALLIANCE 2021 Scottish Election manifesto at the link below.

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