Read all about Dementia Carer Voice’s plans for ‘What Matters to You?’ Day 2018

Dementia Carer Voices are looking forward to spending this years ‘What Matters to You?’ Day with NHS Ayrshire and Arran and the University of the West of Scotland.

We have really enjoyed working with NHS Ayrshire and Arran in the past, where we unveiled our first pledge tree four years ago. Similarly, we have been visiting the University of the West of Scotland for six years now and go back every year to meet first year nursing students.

In partnership with both NHS AAA and UWS, we put together this video (this link will take you away from our website) at the beginning of our You Can Make a Difference campaign. We have a great relationship with both organisations.

On ‘What Matters to You?’ Day, Tommy Whitelaw and Matthew Hilferty plan to attend some ‘What Matters to Me?’ Ward Visits at Ayr Hospital and the launch of UWS Ayr Campus’ new permanent pledge tree in the morning. In the afternoon we will attend more ‘What Matters to Me?’ Ward Visits at Crosshouse Hospital and a Dementia Dog Walk.

We would like to thank Susan Holland at NHS AAA and Alison Toner at UWS for the invitation and for putting the day together.

The importance of having a ‘What Matters to You?’ conversation based on the five ‘Must Do With Me’ steps cannot be overstated. This is key to what we are trying to achieve at Dementia Carer Voices and the reason we sit on the ‘What Matters to You?’ steering group. Asking and listening to what matters informs around 40% of the nearly 18,000 personal pledges we have received to date. It also supports many of the case studies that have turned these pledges into purposeful actions.

Last year, for ‘What Matters to You?’ Day we recorded podcasts and we are keen to support more conversations and case studies this year. If you’re interested in getting involved email us at

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