Digital Citizen Panel member, Neuro Hebrides, promotes MyNeuroSurvey 2024 across Scotland.

Neuro Hebrides, a charity based in the Highlands, is supporting the promotion of the My Neuro Survey 2024 to encourage as many people affected by neurological conditions as possible to share their experiences of services and care.

The Neurological Alliance (England) has partnered with The Neurological Alliance of Scotland (NAoS), The Neurological Alliance Wales, The Northern Ireland Neurological Charities Alliance, and, for the first time, The Neurological Alliance of Ireland, to run My Neuro Survey 2024, the largest ‘patient experience’ survey of people with all kinds of neurological conditions in the UK and the Republic of Ireland.

One in six people have a neurological condition – a condition that affects the brain, spinal cord and/or nervous system. There are over 600 neurological conditions, including dementia, ataxia, migraine, epilepsy, Tourette syndrome, Parkinson’s, multiple sclerosis, motor neurone disease and cerebral palsy.

Anyone affected by a neurological condition or awaiting diagnosis of a neurological condition, including adults, children and informal carers, such as family members, can take part in My Neuro Survey.

The survey – which had over 8,500 responses in 2021/22 – asks questions about daily life, mental wellbeing, diagnosis, treatment and support, and access to research.

Emily Holmes of Neuro Hebrides says:

‘Neuro Hebrides encourages everyone in the Outer Hebrides affected by a neurological condition to complete My Neuro Survey. My Neuro Survey has been crucial in informing the work of the Neurological Alliance of Scotland, of which Neuro Hebrides are members. The findings from the 2020/2021 survey formed the Together for the One in Six Report and were the basis for the UK-wide ‘Back the 1 in 6’ campaign. The campaign also triggered the NAoS to establish a Mental Health subgroup as a who published their Recommendations for Better Mental Health Support for People Affected by Neurological Conditions earlier this year.

By following the Neuro Hebrides unique QR code or URL link, you can really help Neuro Hebrides gain such important insight in to care provision for neurological patients in the Outer Hebrides; where are the challenges, gaps in service, what’s done well etc.  This information can help shape how Neuro Hebrides provides support where it is really needed.

Make your views count, good or bad, it is crucial that a true picture of the care available for people with neurological conditions and their carers, is presented in order to enable change.’It’s completely anonymous and secure and takes around 20 minutes to complete.

Complete the survey online here if you are based in the UK.

Complete the survey online here if you are based in the Republic of Ireland: 

Alternatively please get in touch with survey partners Revealing Reality on +44(0)20 7735 8040 (standard network rates apply), or email to:

  • Complete the survey over the phone if this suits you better
  • Request to complete the survey in a preferred language.

Get in touch with the Neurological Alliance (England) by calling +44(0) 1923 882 590 (standard network rates apply) and leaving a voicemail, or emailing to request a paper copy

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