RNID publishes a report on the impact of negative public attitudes towards those who are Deaf. The report highlights lived experiences

The Royal National Institute for Deaf People (RNID) have conducted and published research based on lived experiences, highlighting the impact of negative attitudes towards people who are Deaf.

The report states that there are at least 12 million people in the UK who identify as Deaf or have a hearing loss.

The report has brought home the impact of negative attitudes and the lack of understanding on our communities in their daily lives.

The research also found that over the last year, two thirds of Deaf people and people with hearing loss have experienced negative attitudes from others. More than a quarter say they are ignored in public by most people, and if they miss the conversation first time, millions are being dismissed and told ‘it doesn’t matter.’ 

It is important that all people, including those who are Deaf, are given an equal opportunity to be listened to, and it is equally important for communication awareness and greater inclusivity to be considered

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