The Integrated Journal of Integrated Care calls for expressions of interest in joining as an editorial board member with lived experience.

Following the review of the contribution of lived experience to the work of the International Journal of Integrated Care (IJIC), they are seeking to recruit Editorial Board members who have experience of integrated care.

They define lived experience in this context as “Those who have insights about integrated care based on personally accessing health, social care and other related services in relation to a long-term condition, social need, or wellbeing crisis, or through caring for a family member.”

This could include people who have other connections to integrated care such as academia or practice, but within this role they will principally draw on their lived experience knowledge and experience.

They will provide individual and collective support for these board members which could include mentoring, bursary places on the online certificate in integrated care, and membership of the lived experience network being developed by IFIC. 

The Lived Experience Board Members will join the other editors in supporting the Editors in Chief to maintain the standards of the journal and to inform its strategic plan. This will involve attending six on-line meetings each year and (once confident in the process) undertaking a minimum of two journal article reviews each year.

The initial standard term will be for four years with potential to continue for a further term following review. Dependant on circumstances, there is flexibility for shorter initial terms. For those who are not funded to undertake such roles through other routes, a recognition payment will be provided in relation to preparation and attendance at the Board meetings.

To express an interest in becoming a member, please send an expression of interest between 300 and 500 words against the following heads:

  • Why do you have an interest in improving integrated care?
  • What is your experience (if any) of research related activities?
  • What skills and insights can you bring to the editorial board?
  • Anything else which you would like to share in relation to your interest in the role.

You can also attach a CV if you would like to do so.

Expressions of interest should be submitted by Monday 1st July 2024 to

Please also contact IJIC if you have any questions about the role which would help you in considering expressing an interest.

Find out more here.

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