A review of Scottish Involvement Network activities over 2018 for our annual report.

The Scottish Involvement Network is a network for people who work in engagement, participation and involvement. Membership is predominantly from the third sector but includes staff from Health and Social Care Partnerships and the NHS. The Network aims to bring people together to share learning, discuss challenges and keep each other updated as to activities across Scotland.

This year has seen a further evolution of the Scottish Involvement Network as we have begun to organise workshops and invite guest speakers to meetings to support our understanding around particular issues. A workshop on hearing seldom heard voices saw presentations from the Glasgow Homelessness Network and NHS Fife, while at the Participation Budgeting session there were presentations from the Scottish Centre for Community Development and some real-life examples from North Ayrshire Health and Social Care Partnership. These workshops compliment the Network’s core meetings around updating and supporting each other on our work.

The Scottish Involvement Network is planning its first collaborative event as part of the Firestarter Festival and in partnership with the Day of Democracy. This will see members of the Network organise workshops that showcase the innovative engagement happening within the third sector, as well as highlight some of the challenges and barriers facing meaningful engagement. The hope is that this work will be the beginning of further collaboration and development of a stronger voice for promoting meaningful participation.

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