As part of our staff introductions series we hear from Senior Policy Officer Hannah.

In 140 characters, what is your role at the ALLIANCE?

I’m part of the Policy and Communications team at the ALLIANCE. I’m primarily involved in working on our ‘My Support My Choice’ project, alongside colleagues from Self Directed Support Scotland, researching people’s experiences of Self-directed Support with a view to helping to reform social care.

Previous experience…

Before joining the ALLIANCE I worked in academia for eight years, teaching and researching disability studies at the universities of Glasgow, Edinburgh, Stirling, and (most recently) York. I do not miss having the A66 as my weekly commute!

Biggest learning experience in previous or current role?

Breaking compulsive academic referencing habits when writing anything for publication (Tweed, 2019)? More seriously, it’s been really invigorating to be able to see the impact of the work we’re doing at the ALLIANCE, and develop the ‘My Support My Choice’ project with our team of peer researchers.

Twitter, Facebook or Instagram?

Twitter (@hannahctweed)! I lasted three days on Instagram before my account got hacked; I haven’t returned to the platform since.

In my spare time I like…

To play ice hockey and the clarinet (although generally not at the same time). I’ll also read anything I can get my hands on; book recommendations are always welcome.

When you were younger what did you want to be when you grew up?

A veterinary surgeon. I failed to allow for the fact that I’m also extremely squeamish.

Trade places with someone for one day, who would it be?

Megan Rapinoe. Sport, politics, and feminism; what’s not to like?

Planes, trains or automobiles?


Stay tuned for more staff (re)introductions in the coming weeks.

End of page.

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