Human rights must be a common thread throughout all outcomes, and a new National Outcome on Care should be introduced.

The ALLIANCE has responded to the Scottish Government’s call for evidence as part of their review of the National Outcomes. The National Outcomes form part of the National Performance Framework, which is intended to provide a blueprint for a shared purpose and vision across public sector delivery.

We broadly agree that the current National Outcomes are reflective of most, though not all, of the key issues that should guide policymaking across Scotland. However, we argue that the current list of outcomes could be supplemented with a National Outcome on Care, and that some of the emphasis and indicators for the existing outcomes could be altered.

We also believe that there is work to be done in communicating and embedding the National Outcomes, both within the public sector and to the country more widely. Delivery of the outcomes must be supported by consistent, in depth and disaggregated data, and human rights should be mainstreamed throughout all outcomes in addition to improving the indicators for the standalone National Outcome on Human Rights. With regards to specific outcomes, our response calls for:

  • Considering a specific indicator on volunteering to be considered (Communities)
  • Amending the indicator on access to green and blue spaces to include consideration of the quality of those spaces (Communities)
  • Incorporating the principles of the Wellbeing Economy into the outcomes, alongside recognition of the third sector (Economy, Fair Work & Business)
  • Considering a specific indicator on air pollution (Environment)
  • Removing or significantly amending the indicator on healthy weight (Health)
  • A significant reworking of the indicators relating to human rights, to capture more meaningful data (Human Rights)
  • Considering a specific indicator on discrimination (Human Rights)
  • Considering a specific indicator on benefit take-up (Poverty)

You can read our full response via the links below.

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