The Health and Social Care Academy organised this event at the Basic Income Earth Network Congress 2021 in Glasgow.

From 18 to 21 August 2021 the Basic Income Earth Network held their annual Congress, with Glasgow as the digital host city. As part of the Congress, the ALLIANCE’s Health and Social Care Academy programme organised a discussion session titled “Making Universal Basic Income transformational for everyone”.

The event was chaired by Jamie Cook, Head of RSA (Royal Society of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce) Scotland and featured a panel of speakers:

  • Rob Gowans, Policy and Public Affairs Manager (the ALLIANCE)
  • Susie Fitton, Policy Officer (Inclusion Scotland)
  • Fiona Collie, Policy and Public Affairs Manager (Carers Scotland)
  • Lynn Williams, Unpaid Carer

Speakers shared their thoughts on what would be necessary for a basic income to be transformational for everyone, noting in particular the difficulties faced by disabled people, people living with long term conditions, and carers under current social security arrangements. Both opportunities and risks were felt to come with a basic income, depending on how it was designed.

You can read the full report below, or read more about the Basic Earth Income Network on their website (this link will take you away from our website).

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