The Health and Social Care Alliance Scotland is heartsore about the death of Audrey Birt, one of our founders.

Audrey was an inspirational leader and compelling communicator who inspired everyone with her compassionate and inclusive approach.

Audrey was our Chair from 2008 to 2014. Amongst a myriad of achievements during this time, she played a leading role in developing Scotland’s national self management strategy, Gaun Yersel, the creation of the Self Management Fund, and the development of person centred care in Scotland. Audrey also founded our Health and Social Care Academy and played a pivotal role in creating the Five Provocations for the Future of Health and Social Care, which are now our Five Ambitions. Prior to her time with the ALLIANCE, Audrey had a successful career in the NHS, and set up the leading charity Breakthrough Breast Cancer in Scotland. More recently, she was a highly respected and sought-after coach and coach supervisor.

For many years, through her blog on ‘living well with disability and breast cancer’, Audrey gave us the gift of sharing her experiences and journey, helping all of us gain important insight into serious illness and disability. Earlier this year, we were honoured to support the launch of Audrey’s book, ‘The Journey to Better Times: 10 elements to living well with serious illness and long term conditions’. As always, her motivation was to offer kindness, support, hope and guidance.

Our thoughts are with Audrey’s family, and we send them our deepest condolences.

Audrey – you were a true titan and will be sorely missed.  

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