University of Glasgow, in collaboration with the Scottish Government and the ALLIANCE, are conducting research with NHS Scotland employees

The ALLIANCE is pleased to be working in collaboration with the University of Glasgow and the Scottish Government to explore experiences of menstrual health and menopause at work for NHS Scotland employees. The work is being led by the University of Glasgow and is the first nationwide survey to consider how healthcare employees view the relationship between both menstrual health or menopause and work. Complete the survey here: .

For many, the experience of menstrual health or menopausal transition have little or no impact on their work. Others find creative ways to negotiate moments when they experience disruptive effects due to menstrual health or menopausal symptoms. For some, it can shape their whole careers or a portion of their working lives. Current evidence on menopause support emphasises how workplace cultures and line manager support can significantly offset symptoms in some cases. However, it is vital to understand how these may vary across difference occupations, teams or locations in one organization. This is also important for menstrual health at work, although at present there are very few large-scale studies that ask employees how they feel or think about the relationship between work and their own menstrual health.

Findings will help to shape the Scottish Government Women’s Health Plan and inform the development of a menopause and menstrual health policy for NHS Scotland.

We invite all women and people who menstruate or experience menopause and who work for NHS Scotland to complete the survey.  The survey runs from the 18th October until the 15th of November, 2022

You can choose to answer to answer questions on your experience of menstrual health or menopause.

Employees can complete the survey by going to .

All participation is completely voluntary, anonymous and confidential.  Should they wish, participants can enclose their email/addresses to receive a copy of findings.

Alternatively, paper copies of the survey are available by texting or WhatsApp 07507 863828, or emailing, along with your name, home address and indicating if you would like to answer questions on the menopause or menstrual health.

For general information about the study please visit

For further questions, or to request posters advertising the survey to display in your workplace, please email

Kathleen Riach, who is leading the study, is an internationally renowned expert on age and gender in the workplace. In 2019 she launched the Menopause Information Pack Online, which has since been accessed by over 11,000 people across 52 countries.

Professor Riach emphasised that “we want to hear about as many experiences and perceptions as possible– good or bad, incidental or significant – everyone’s experience is important. Learning from what people need or want – and don’t want is what will make this study valuable to employees throughout the NHS and beyond.

Irene Oldfather, Director of Strategy and Engagement at the ALLIANCE, who are supporting the study, also sees this work as vital in helping to retain a motivated workforce that feel supported “As the leading national intermediary for health and social care organisations In Scotland, The ALLIANCE are delighted to support this vital landmark survey of menstrual health and menopause  This survey will ensure that healthcare employees voices are at the centre of design, delivery and improvement of future policy and practice”.


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