The ALLIANCE reviews work undertaken to support the Tayside Inquiry into Mental Health Services.

In 2018, the ALLIANCE was remitted to contribute to the work of the Tayside Inquiry into Mental Health Services and we did this by setting up a Stakeholder Participation Group that contributed to setting the terms of reference of the inquiry and supported the local community to be fully involved in the process.

In 2019, we published our findings following our extensive engagement across Tayside in collaboration with third sector partners in our report ‘Independent Inquiry into Mental Health Services in Tayside – Hearing the voices of people with lived experience.’

In total, we facilitated eight workshops and ensured equal participation by holding geographic workshops in Dundee, Perth and Angus. These were open to all and organised in partnership with local third sector organisations. In addition to workshops facilitated by us, we designed a ‘Facilitation Pack’ to be sent out to community groups who had expressed interest in holding their own discussion events; this pack enabled them to effectively feed into the entire process.

As a result of this, we were able to receive feedback from the following organisations:

·         Angus Voice
·         Dundee Voluntary Action
·         Dundee Service User Network
·         Stop Mental Health Stigma group
·         Angus Health Fair
·         Support in Mind Carer support group
·         Carenoustie Wellbeing Café
·         Women’s Rape and Sexual Abuse Centre – Perth and Kinross
·         Lochee Recovery Social Group

Our final report included the views of over 200 people who have experience of mental ill health in Tayside as well as their families and carers.

This breadth of engagement activity allowed us to gather views which were then fed into our submission to the inquiry. Our report noted a number of areas for improvements in the provision of mental health support in Tayside; including improvements to preventative services, better access to services, building a therapeutic environment and a more recovery focussed approach. Within these four themes, our report also identified several recommendations for action. The biggest learning from this piece of work was the need for a joined-up person centred approach which puts people at the heart.

In 2019, we have continued to support the Stakeholder Participation Group through the facilitation of regular meetings every two months.

The ALLIANCE would like to thank everyone who attended and participated in the events and shared their views. We would also like to thank the third sector organisations across Tayside who supported this piece of work.

The Independent Inquiry into Mental Health Services in Tayside was a significant milestone for families who campaigned so hard for change and we’re glad to have been able to support them in this. You can read about the Tayside Mental Health Services Inquiry on our website.

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