Our Digital Health and Care (DHC) team review activities from 2019.

In 2019, our DHC team focused on strengthening the voice of the third sector in national digital health and care developments and promoting discussion on digital solutions for self management.

National Digital Platform

We continued our efforts to increase third sector capacity in implementing the Digital Health and Care Strategy in particular by securing commitments from NDS (NES Digital Service) to involve the sector in the National Digital Platform (this link will take you away from our website). We facilitated a roundtable event in September, working with the Coalition of Care and Support Providers in Scotland (CCPS) and Scottish Care as well as third and independent sector leaders and NDS. A snapshot of the day, learning and priorities for this ongoing work can be read on our news section.

Service Design

Undoubtedly, service design was one of the hot topics of 2019. In June, we hosted a fringe event to the International Design in Government Conference, to surface some of the vast experiences held by third sector organisations that work with people with different needs, backgrounds or long term conditions. This experience is tightly linked to service design approaches, although not always recognised as such.

The event, attended by over 50 citizens, professionals and academics, shared good practice and advice for more inclusive service design. The learning from the event was summarised in our opinion piece and short report. Going forward, we continued to explore this topic through the medium of ALLIANCE Live (this link will take you away from our website) and members events.

Discover Digital

Discover Digital returned in 2019 as well, this time focusing on digital tools that enable and enhance self management approaches. The project grew from strength to strength, expanding to 5 locations across Scotland and involving over 750 people in workshops, exhibitions and webinars. The events created new insights and surfaced a new direction of travel for this work in 2020, all captured in the report.

Citizen involvement

Our commitment to increase citizen’s involvement in and access to digital health and care services pervades all our activities, as captured in our opinion piece which asks for more transparency and commitment from the Scottish Government with regards to what digital health and care services Scots will get access to and when.

Keep an eye on our web pages or Twitter (this link will take you away from our website) to keep up to date and for details on any upcoming opportunities to help shape digital health and care innovation in Scotland.

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