Getting to know Getting It Right For Every Child (GIRFEC) review their activities for the ALLIANCE Annual Report

The Getting to know GIRFEC team co-produced revised GIRFEC resources to take account of the Scottish Government announcement that, while GIRFEC remains the key approach to support children in Scotland, the Scottish Government no longer intends to introduce the Named Person or the Child’s Plans through legislation.

We held over 25 events across Scotland to promote understanding of the GIRFEC approach. These events, which were free of charge, were well attended. Feedback from participants about the helpfulness of these events is consistently positive. In addition, we facilitated consultation events on proposals to incorporate the UNCRC into Scottish Law and on proposals for revised Scottish Government guidance on Children’s Services Planning. We used the views of members and partners who attended to inform the ALLIANCE response to these consultations. We contributed to the development of the Scottish Government’s online resource for disabled children and their families. This resource can be accessed on the Scottish Government website (this link will take you away from our website).

As members of the ministerial Disabled Children and Young People Advisory Group, we contributed to their proposals to Ministers on how disabled young people and those living with long term conditions can be better supported to make the transition from childhood to adulthood and from children’s services to adult services.

We contributed to the launch of ALLIANCE Live, our new information and learning portal connecting audiences to a range of experts from across health and social care. Two of our partner organisations spoke about the GIRFEC approach on the first webinar supported by ALLIANCE Live.

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