The ALLIANCE's My Skills, My Strengths, My Right to Work reviews activity from 2019.

The Employability programme engaged with a number of projects throughout 2019, building understanding and sharing knowledge of the employability landscape. We conducted research around Fair Start Scotland as part of the Scottish Union of Supported Employment (SUSE)’s conference and met with Workplace Equality Funded projects to share opportunities for support, as well as linking in with employability focussed projects funded through the Self Management Fund to provide ongoing support and generate self management learning. In mid-2019, we partnered with the Delivering Differently project in Fife to host a ‘Growing self management for mental health in Fife’ workshop.

To celebrate Employability Day in June, we shared stories of people self managing long term conditions and their employment journey. These case studies touched on the importance of collaboration across agencies and partners, inclusive recruitment processes and reducing stigma as vital to supporting employment for people with long term conditions. Case studies were also shared from organisations delivering health and employment services, highlighting the impact of holistic and personalised approaches as supporting people on their employability journey. These case studies were shared across social media and our networks for #EmpDay19, linking in with over 750 organisations who also took part in the day.

We supported the launch of the first Employability Self Management Award, one of the categories of the Self Management Awards. The Employability Self Management Award, in partnership with SUSE (this link will take you away from our website) celebrated an individual’s employability journey, good service delivery and innovative approaches to delivering supported employment. The award received 12 nominations, showcasing a range of individuals, employers and services that support people with long term conditions to employment.

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