Humans of Scotland

Three incredible story collections from our Humans of Scotland story sharing project.
Humans of Scotland is the ALLIANCE’s story sharing project that puts a spotlight on lived experience. The aim is to provide a snapshot into the lives of our members through sharing stories from disabled people, people living with long term conditions, unpaid carers and staff working in health and social care support and services. Our ambition is to give a platform to people who are marginalised, whose voices are seldom heard, and to try and raise awareness of their experiences whilst informing our policy work at the ALLIANCE.
We have published three story collection books. The first in the series shares powerful and thought provoking short stories, giving an insight into the challenges faced, and battles won, by people living with long term conditions. It also shines a light on unpaid carers and the people working in health and social care services.
The second book is a collection of stories from disabled people, people living with long term conditions and unpaid carers across Scotland, highlighting the realities they faced in the first few months of the Covid-19 pandemic. We also captured stories from staff working in the NHS in Scotland and in the country’s health and social care third sector This book creates a permanent record of life during COVID-19.
The latest book, H is for Human, has been published in partnership with the Peer Support Scotland project at Terrence Higgins Trust. It is a special edition, sharing a diverse range of perspectives on HIV, from people across Scotland living with the virus and health professionals who have worked with those effected.
You can access all the Humans of Scotland books below.