Social Security

The ALLIANCE is campaigning for a world leading, rights based Scottish social security system.
Scotland’s social security system is changing. The ALLIANCE is working to inform the development of new disability and carers social security payments, and to push for a world leading, rights-based system of social security support.
The social security system for disabled people, people with long term conditions and unpaid carers can often be confusing, undignified and does not fully respect their human rights. With the devolution of powers over disability and carers social security payments, the ALLIANCE aims to encourage the Scottish Government to make transformational improvements to realise the right to social security.
The ALLIANCE publishes reports, such as to share the views of seldom heard people on changes to the social security assessment process and works closely with partners to propose changes to the Scottish Government leading a rights-based social security system.
For more information on our social security policy activity please contact Allan Faulds, Senior Policy Officer on or 0141 404 0231.
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